The first law of library science "books are for use" means that books in libraries are not meant to be shut away from people.
Firtst Law
The second law of library science "every reader his (or her) book" means that librarians serve a wide collection of patrons, acquire literature to fit a vast collection of needs, do not judge what specific patrons choose to read. Everyone has different tastes and differences & we should respect that.
Second Law
The third law of library science "every book its reader" means a library's books have a place in the library even if a smaller demographic might choose to read it.
Third Law
The fourth law of library science "save the time of the user" means that all patrons should be able to easily locate the material they desire quickly and efficiently.
Fourth Law
The fifth law of library science "the library is a growing organism" means that a library should be a continually changing organism. Books, methods, and the physical library should be updated over time.
Fifth Law
The Institution is spacious, vast Library and Information Centre. A treasure of over one Lakh volumes and 15919 single titles covering all branches of engineering. 23 hard copies of National journals and number of e-journals with the help of VTU Consortium and DELNET. Separate section for reference and Lending of books. The Library and Information Centre is computerized by E-Lib-I next software. The internet facility is available to the students. Our Library and Information Centre is member of VTU Consortium, DELNET and NDL. With the help of this, the students can access many online journals and books.